This was a super exciting shoot for me for a few reasons. For one thing, I was shooting a teenager, which I don't get to do enough. I adore teenagers. I used to write for Teen People. Regularly. On purpose. Also: Seventeen year olds follow direction. A shocker, I know, but that's nearly unheard of in the the toddler set. Even cooler was the life coming full circle vibe I was getting. You see, this amazing gal (who asked me to take model portfolio shots) is the sister of kids that I used to babysit! These kids had masses of curly hair and were ridiculously cute and even more ridiculously well-behaved. (Seriously, they informed me when it was their bedtime.) I took some of my first black and white film shots back then with my hand-me-down Minolta 101. So on this job, instead of feeling old (that would be too easy), I felt lucky to be able to continue to document this amazing family.

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