Wednesday, June 25, 2014

the finding | orange county family photographer

Sometimes I wonder how people find me. Most often, it's word of mouth. I love that, because I love my clients, and their friends are just as amazing as they are. But I do get a bunch of Google hits and I always worry about whether we'll click. So when this mama told me that she chose me because of my logo (she liked my work and all, but there has to be a tipping point, right?) I knew we'd get along. And then I saw her home--its clean lines and cool paint colors--and knew we could be friends. Plus, her kids are ADORABLE. Ridiculously adorable, right? I can't wait to visit again!

laughter and cocktails | hudson valley family photographer

So the hardest thing about little kid sessions is getting toddlers to stay put. The hardest thing about this big-kid session? Getting them to stop goofing around. It was also the best thing. Evidence: a cocktail in Beth's hand, the family practicing their gang signs, and the general cracking up.