When I was little, ColecoVision was a big deal. And yes, I'm aging myself here. My mom is Greek and somehow let out that in Greek, koleko means (her word) tushie. So my sister and I would run around the house screaming TUSHIE VISION over and over. Hysterical, right? We thought so. It's a fond memory, and one I thought about again when looking through this session to blog. I mean, how chic are these coleco-covers? This is a way-off topic way of introducing these two beautiful sisters, who I had the pleasure to photograph in Poughkeepsie last year. I couldn't get enough of their creamy skin and sparkly eyes. But the best part of the session: watching (and capturing!) the first steps of a toddler. I can't wait to watch these sisters grow up... and run around the house screaming TUSHIE!!