In the midst of my fall madness, I jumped at the chance to attend a photography seminar in Philadelphia. I didn't even mind the drive, since I finished listening to my book club book on CD. (Getting stuck in traffic on the way back helped.) It was amazing to learn from the awesome Shannon Sewell, who inspired me to push my work to another level. These photos were from our afternoon shoot. A big thank you to the lovely models who were super patient (and amazingly calm) when faced with 10 photographers acting a little bit like paparazzi.
I've been so swamped with holiday photo orders, that I've been ignoring Ye, my Faithful Readers/Blog Stalkers (O! How I love Thee). I've also gone a little batty (see previous sentence). Still, this photo fills me with such glee, that I had to share. I mean, who doesn't love a flying baby?