An amazing portrait photographer, Dmitri Kasterine (his portraits show up at places like the Smithsonian, but you can see his work on his
active blog), plays an awful lot of tennis at the courts behind my house. This means he has the privilege of watching me walk my girls home at the end of the day, when at least one of them is screeching or emitting some equally loud noise. We wave, we smile. And sometimes we chat. I told him about my blog and when he checked it out he made one of those compliments that feels a little like an insult: "People like to look good and you do that." So I thought he might appreciate this photo of my fevered, crying toddler. And one of my favorites, of my grandmother. There was something both haunting and beautiful about seeing my nona, in the last months of her life, meeting my baby, who was just beginning hers.